Tips to Manage Your Anger

Frustration, Rage, Anger Management

Practical Tips for Anger Management

Uncontrolled frustration, anger, rage is detrimental to our physical and mental health especially if it is experienced over a prolonged duration.

Studies suggest an intimate relationship between chronic anger and diseases linked with weakened immune systems such as coronary disease, and cancer. Evidences also suggest that chronic anger may aggravate stress, suicidal tendency, and other undesirable habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, bingeing (or binging), alcoholism, drug abuse, and depression. Even increased workplace injuries may be attributed to anger management issue.

In order to manage anger more effectively, one of the most important steps is to know what triggers you to flare up. In other words, examine those past scenarios where your anger got the better of you. Once you have this critical piece of information, record them in a list ordered by their severity, that is, the ferocity of your outburst.

Subsequently, work on the mildest trigger first. Once you gain some success and confidence in your ability to retain self-control, proceed to the next trigger on the list. With practice and determination, this progressive technique is certainly efficacious.

For more severe anger management issues; issues that may be hidden in the sub-conscious level, seeing a hypnotherapist is a prudent and sagacious choice. This advice applies likewise to cases where anger gets out of control or is getting out of control.

Anger, frustration, rage are dysfunctional emotions. Unmanaged anger is an unpredictable hazard both to oneself and those around you. Be wise, seek treatment now.