Treatment for Stutter (or Stammer)

Get Rid of Your Stuttering/Stammering Once and For All

Get Rid of Stutter or Once and for All

Do you, like most stammering people, feel awkward or extremely uncomfortable talking in difficult situations such as in public, over the phone, and/or uttering problematic words?

Do you suffer from high level of anxiety, a dull social life, poor academic performance, low self-esteem, low confidence, or an inferiority complex as a result of your stuttering?

Do you resort to undesirable coping strategies to hide your stutter?

Are you a suffering extrovert hindered by stammer?

If you are experiencing the painful effects of stuttering or stammering, we have just the solution you are looking so hard for. By working closely with our professionally-trained therapists, we can help you get rid of your stammer or stutter over several brief therapy sessions.

Image shows a man at a podium delivering a speech flawlessly, without stutter or stammer.
You can speak flawlessly. No stutter, no stammer.

Watch your self-esteem sky-rocket when you get rid of your stutter.

Imagine speaking fluently and confidently over the phone without stammering.

Imagine yourself giving an exceptional speech uninterrupted by stutter.

Whether it’s in school, in business, in life. Don’t let stammer or stutter hold you back any longer.

To improve your speech fluency, to escalate your self-esteem and self-confidence to new heights, call us for an appointment today.

What is Stutter or Stammer?

According to the World Health Organization, stuttering (also known as stammering) is speech that is characterized by frequent repetition or prolongation of sounds or syllables or words, or by frequent hesitations or pauses that disrupt the rhythmic flow of speech.

Stuttering or stammering often occurs at the onset of a sentence or when conveying an idea rather than when uttering individual words. Research indicates that distinct brain regions are responsible for language processing and speech formation, prompting scientists to investigate the coordination between these processes. For instance, one study suggests that speech formation precedes language processing in people who stutter. Additionally, researchers are investigating the influence of neurotransmitters in the brain, which facilitate communication between brain cells.

What Causes Stutter or Stammer?

The causes of stuttering or stammering are multifaceted and not fully understood. Researchers have not identified a single, exclusive cause of developmental stuttering. Instead, they believe that a combination of factors contributes to its onset. Genetic predisposition plays a role, as stuttering often runs in families. Additionally, neurological differences in brain structure or function, particularly in regions responsible for speech production and language processing, may contribute to stuttering.

During childhood, developmental factors such as speech and language skill development can influence stuttering onset. Environmental stressors, unfavourable reactions, or pressure to communicate quickly can exacerbate symptoms. Disruptions in speech production coordination and emotional factors like anxiety or self-consciousness also play a role. It’s important to note that stuttering is complex and varies from person to person, influenced by a combination of these factors.

Stutterers Undesirable Coping Strategies

Stutterers commonly employ avoidance and concealment coping strategies, including:

  • Avoid situations where speaking is challenging, such as dodging phone calls or various social situations.
  • Opt for silence when anticipating stuttering, like refraining from saying something in a conversation.
  • Preemptively scanning ahead for words they might stutter on and substituting them with easier words.
  • Inserting fillers – meaningless words or phrases like “actually” or “I mean” – to help avoid stuttering.
  • Utilize other sounds to overcome a blocked word, like “uuuhhh”.
  • Use a run-up technique for difficult words. For example, instead of just saying “Ethan,” someone who stutters might articulate “My name is Ethan” to facilitate fluency and alleviate difficulty.

Myths about Stuttering

Myth vs Reality: Time for some fact-check.
Myth vs Reality: Time for some fact-check.

Myth: People who stutter lack intelligence or cognitive ability.
Reality: There is no correlation whatsoever between stuttering and intelligence. People who stutter have the same diverse cognitive abilities as those who don’t. Stuttering is a speech disorder, not a reflection of one’s intellect.

Myth: Nervousness or anxiety can induce stuttering.
Reality: Nervousness or anxiety does not cause stuttering. People who stutter should not be assumed to be more prone to nervousness, fear, anxiety, or shyness than those who do not stutter. They possess the same diverse range of personality traits.

Myth: Stuttering is communicable through imitation or exposure to someone who stutters.
Reality: Stuttering is not contagious. While the exact causes of stuttering remain unknown, recent research suggests that factors such as family history (genetics), neuro-muscular development, and environmental influences, including family dynamics, contribute to its onset.

Myth: Advising someone to “take a deep breath before talking” or “think about what you want to say first” helps alleviate stuttering.
Reality: This advice only makes a person more self-conscious, making the stuttering worse. More helpful responses include listening patiently and modelling slow and clear speech yourself.

Myth: Stress causes stuttering.
Reality: As mentioned above, many complex factors are involved. Stress is not the cause, but it certainly can aggravate stuttering.

Myth: Stuttering is a result of emotional trauma or a traumatic event.
Reality: Stuttering doesn’t result from emotional trauma or psychological issues. While stress and anxiety can exacerbate stuttering symptoms, they do not cause it. Stuttering can occur regardless of a person’s emotional state or past experiences.

Empowered Speech Awaits

Ready to break free from the constraints of stuttering? Whether you’re navigating your own journey or supporting a loved one, our counselling centre is here for you. With personalised support and tailored strategies, we empower both stutterers and their loved ones to overcome obstacles and reclaim fluent, effortless communication.

Take action now by completing the Contact Us form below. It’s the first step towards a future where stuttering no longer dictates your life or the life of your loved one. Don’t let another day pass by in silence – reach out today. Together, let’s chart a course towards empowered speech and a life lived without limits.

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