Family & Relationships

6 posts

Overcome Vaginismus and Reclaim Your Sexuality: Your Roadmap to Vaginismus Recovery

Discovering Vaginismus: Unveiling the Reality If you’re reading this, chances are you’re struggling with something that feels overwhelming and isolating: vaginismus. First and foremost, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Vaginismus is more common than you might think, and there’s support and guidance available to help you […]

Anger Management: Smashing and Breaking Stuff to Relieve Stress and Frustration

A Smashing New Way to Relieve Anger and Stress

Smashing and Breaking Things to Relieve Anger and Stress Anger and stress are pent-up energy that requires—even demands—some form of release. Some choose watching TV, a body massage or a nice dinner with family or friends. Others prefer something more physically challenging, like smashing things with a sledgehammer. Since going […]

Painful sex, Female Sexual Dysfunction

From Painful Sex to Sexual Bliss and Satisfaction…for Women

From Painful Sex to Sexual Bliss and Beyond In this day and age, it is still regrettably true that in some culture, discussion on and investigation into sex and sexual intimacy—especially women’s sexuality—are taboo and stigmatized. The unfortunate consequences are that some women continue to endure the thrust of painful […]

Motivates Your Child to Study Smarter and Stop Procrastination

Motivates Your Child and Stop Procrastination You have tried every conceivable tricks you know to motivate your child to focus on his (or her) studies, from reasoning to bribery to threats and punishments but nothing works. Well, you are not alone. Below are some common parents’ complaints about their children’s […]