Search Results for : hair pulling

4 results

Trichotillomania Relief: Effective Strategies for Managing Hair-Pulling Urges

What’s Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling)? Trichotillomania (Hair-Pulling) is a mental health condition that involves an irresistible urge to pull out hair from any part of the body, despite the individual’s conscious efforts to stop. Pulling can occur in the scalp, brows, eyelashes, armpits, and even the pubic region. While some sufferers may […]

Help Children and teens cope with stress effectively.

Helping Kids Cope with Stress Effectively

Helping Kids Cope with Stress Effectively Stress is not the province of adults only. Young children and teenagers today encounter many stressful life events at earlier ages from homework (or homejoy as some schools call it), competition with other children, tight schedules, Co-curricular activities, and demanding parents. Without learning any […]

Singapore premier counselling and psychotherapy clinic. Personal Success Through Overcome Life's Challenges

Welcome to Ministry of Therapy

Welcome to Ministry of Therapy Are you struggling with a personal issue or bad habit that you hope would just go away? Are you being tormented by an emotional issue—anger, anxiety, phobia—or symptoms like insomnia, hair-pulling, or sexual dysfunction? However, despite your best efforts to ignore your problems and wish […]