Wellness & Health

20 posts

Wellness & Health

Happiness equals to reality divided by expectation.

Living a Happier, More Fulfilling Life

Living a Happier, More Fulfilling Life… Really! Happiness? Fulfillment? Seeing from a different perspective, the quote above can be taken as: “If you wait for everything to be fine and dandy before you can be happy, you’re in dire need of therapy.” Happiness and fulfillment, fundamentally, are states of mind and […]

Learn Anger Management Skills so that screaming and shouting are things of the past.

Anger Management – Who Wants a Happier Life?

Learn Anger Management Skills for a Happier Life Has anyone ever told you that you always look angry, irritated, or frustrated? Are you constantly feeling frustrated and angry? Do you snap at others, usually an innocent family members or partner, over seemingly trivial matter? Do you have a quick-temper, a […]

Help Children and teens cope with stress effectively.

Helping Kids Cope with Stress Effectively

Helping Kids Cope with Stress Effectively Stress is not the province of adults only. Young children and teenagers today encounter many stressful life events at earlier ages from homework (or homejoy as some schools call it), competition with other children, tight schedules, Co-curricular activities, and demanding parents. Without learning any […]

Stress Management, Reduction, and Relief

Stress Management for Adults

Are You Feeling Stressed-Out? Stress comes from many different sources – uncooperative colleagues, heavy workload, increasing financial burden due to raising cost of living, demanding spouse, difficult children, imperious in-laws, the list goes on and on – there’s just no escaping it. So what can we do to minimize the […]

Frustration, Rage, Anger Management

Tips to Manage Your Anger

Practical Tips for Anger Management Uncontrolled frustration, anger, rage is detrimental to our physical and mental health especially if it is experienced over a prolonged duration. Studies suggest an intimate relationship between chronic anger and diseases linked with weakened immune systems such as coronary disease, and cancer. Evidences also suggest […]

Anorexia Nervosa

Incredible Real-life Story of Twin Anorexics

On 16th June 2011, Mail online ran an article titled: “Our Deadly Anorexia Pact” featuring the incredible and heartbreaking story of twins Maria and Katy Campbell and their life-long struggle with Anorexia Nervosa. It all started by an innocent, harmless remark made by one of their parents when they were […]